Bookish People I’d Like to Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post sponsored by The Artsy Reader Girl .

This week’s topic:

March 7: Bookish People I’d Like To Meet (These can be authors, book characters, book bloggers/influencers, cover designers, cover models, etc.)

1Jenny Colgan: Since I read her first book, I have been convinced that Jenny Colgan and I should be friends. Her characters love baking and books, and she is a strong supporter of teachers.

2-5 Booktube Besties: Amanda @TheCurlyReader, Krista @BooksAndJams, Sarah @SarahsNightstand and Lindsey @lindseyslittlelibrary4300. I love their individual channels, and especially enjoy their Christmas book exchange videos.

6 Rick Riordan I love his sense of humor and would love to delve into his knowledge of mythology.

7 & 8 Jane Austen and Laura Ingalls Wilder- I tried to stick to living people, but couldn’t leave these two off the list

9 Oprah- Even though she’s not directly in the book business, her book club did so much to promote reading

10 John Newberry and Randolph Caldecott- I would love to hear their thoughts on the winners of the two most significant awards in children’s literature

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