You had me at…

We all have our favorite genres or topics we love to read. But, what makes a book our favorite is often in the little details that could appear in any genre, and draw you to the writing. Here are some of my favorite little details.

Great last line– there’s a lot of focus on first lines, but I love a book that leaves me with a memorable last line. It could be because it makes me smile, connects to an earlier line in the book, or because it changes the meaning of the book

Obscure information mixed into fiction- Obviously, you learn a lot when a story is based on a true story, but I also love when a character has an obscure job or interest that I know nothing about and the author sneaks in little facts I would never know.

Banter– I love when dialogue has humorous banter, whether it’s between romantic partners, friends or enemies

Clever Chapter Titles or Quotes: I know a lot of books don’t have chapter titles anymore, but I love a fun title or when authors start chapters with a quote, fact or recipe. It’s a nice extra touch.

What “little details” do you look for in writing? Comment here, facebook or instagram.

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