The last few weeks I’ve posted my own top ten list on Sunday nights. Due to technical difficulties I was unable to do that this week. So, I decided to join in on Top Ten Tuesday this week. Top Ten Tuesday is an original blog meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and is currently being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is favorite book settings. Here are my picks. What are your favorite book settings?
1.”Once upon a time”
This is my term for anything set in the world of fairy tales. It can be a traditional fairy tale, retelling of a fairy tale or world where fairy tale characters live.
2. Great Britain
Scotland is my first choice, but I also love books in Ireland and England. Wales would be great as well, but there just aren’t as many books set there.
3. Restaurants/Cafes
Food fiction is the perfect comfort read. No matter the culture or time period, a love for food is universal.
4. The Past
There are several time periods I gravitate towards such as Regency England, or WWII, but ultimately I love anything set in the past.
5. Bookstores/libraries
I know anytime a book is set in a bookshop or library, the protagonist is going to be a book lover, and we already have a connection.
6. Ranch or farm
Besides my own family connections to agriculture, the odds are pretty good that there’s going to be a good-looking cowboy.
7. Magical Schools
I went from school, to college to teaching with no break. So, I’ve been in school since I started kindergarten in 1981. I’ve spent enough time in public schools, I want students and staff with superpowers.
8. Small Towns
Books set in small towns usually go one of two ways: a feel good story with lots of quirky characters or a town filled with mysterious secrets. I love either scenario.
9. The Mediterranean
My all time favorite vacation was to Greece and Covid delayed my planned trip to Italy. So, I love visiting the area through books.
10. The Future
Due to world events, I have not read as much dystopian literature in the last two years. However, I do love the unique worlds created in books set in the future.
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