Top Ten Tuesday 11/22/22

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics.

This week is a Thankful Freebie. So, I’m going to start with a writing update before my top ten list

Nanowrimo Goal Update

As I mentioned in a post at the beginning of the month, my goal for nanowrimo was to write every day. I have stayed true to this goal, although I have not reached my individual goals for each day. Sometimes because I haven’t had time, and others because the revisions were more significant than expected. I’m hoping to squeeze in a couple of other posts beyond my regular weekly posts before the month ends.

Top Ten List

On to the top ten. I decided to write about the top ten favorite things that will make me love a book:

  1. unique characters– I’m more of a character driven reader than plot driven, I love a complex character who evolves throughout the story
  2. bookish themes– whether it’s a library , bookstore or just a protagonist that loves to read, I love books that honor bibliophiles
  3. twists on familiar stories– I love stories that reimagine classic tales whether it’ be true retelling or one that just alludes to the original
  4. dual timelines or multiple points of view– I love when multiple stories connect
  5. foodie books– even better if the book includes recipes
  6. exotic locations- I love when I get to learn about a new culture and get to travel vicariously through books.
  7. endings that make me smile– I love when a book leaves me with a warm and fuzzy feeling
  8. Christmas books– I love having seasonal reading
  9. books set close to home or to places I’ve traveled– It adds something extra when you can visualize places from experience
  10. a book that makes me laugh and cry– I love when an author can combine humor and serious topics, touching on multiple emotions

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