Top Ten Tuesday- 10/4/22

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics. This week’s topic:

October 4: Favorite Bookstores OR Bookstores I’d Love to Visit (The UK celebrated National Bookshop Day on October 1, so I thought it would be a fun topic!)

When I saw this prompt, the only thing that immediately came to mind was Jenny Lawson’s store, but I had so much fun researching other bookstores around the world.


Bertrand Bookstore (Lisbon, Portugal)

Established in 1732, this is the oldest bookstore in the world.


Birchbank Books (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)

Owned by author Louis Erdrich this Birchbank Books features on indigenous literature and goods.


The Last Bookstore (Los Angelos, California, USA)

The Last Bookstore bookshop features a tunned of books and gravity defying bookshelves.


Libreria Acqua Alta (Venice, Italy)

Liberia Acqua Alta uses bathtubs and gondolas as shelves and houses cats.


Bart’s Books (Ojai, California, USA)

Bart’s Books is the world’s largest outdoor bookstore.


Book and Bed (Tokyo, Japan)

Book and Bed is a hostel where you can sleep in a bookshelf surrounded by 5,000 books.


Books & Books at the Studios of Key West (Key West, Florida, USA)

Co-owned by Judy Blume and her husband, this is a bookstore combined with a nonprofit arts and culture center.


Hay-On-Wye, Wales

Hay-On-Wye is a town of 1,000 with over forty bookshops. I couldn’t settle on one, so I’m counting the whole town.


Atlantis Books (Oia, Santorini, Greece)

This is the only bookstore on the list that I’ve been to, but there was so much to see in Oia that I didn’t get to spend as much time as I would’ve liked.


Jenny Lawson’s Nowhere bookshop. (San Antonio, Texas, USA)

I love the Bloggess and her Nowhere bookshop in San Antonio has been on my bucket list since it opened.

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6 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday- 10/4/22

  1. I love that you researched and found some cool options! I never travel so the idea of seeing some bookshops that are fun or cute is kind of not super realistic for me. But who knows! Maybe I’ll find myself in some of these places someday. 🙂

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