Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics. This week’s topic:
October 11: Books I Read On Vacation (bonus points if you tell us where you were!) (Submitted by Dedra @ A Book Wanderer)
I read a lot on planes and buses while traveling, but Covid has limited my traveling over the last couple of years, so I had to search my goodreads for dates read to jog my memory. I mostly just bring whatever book I was in the middle of reading versus picking specific “beach read” type books.

I didn’t need to look up The Son of Neptune because I distinctly remember that I finished reading this book at The Elephant House in Edinburgh. I got to Edinburgh early before my tour was starting and found out my hotel was across the street from the cafe where Harry Potter was written. I automatically brought my book with me, then felt self-conscious that I was reading a Percy Jackson book. I told this story to a student and she said it was like wearing the other teams jersey to a game.

I read The Stolen Marraige on a flight to California.

I read The Jane Austen Project on the way home from New Zealand.

I read Renegades on the flight to Australia for the trip above.

I read One Taste of Scandal during the previously mentioned trip to New Zealand and Australia.

This one actually has a connection to the place, as I read Persephone in Greece.

I needed a book for the trip home, so I bought An Octopus in my Ouzo in the Athens airport at the end of the aforementioned Greek vacation.

I don’t remember now where I was when I ran out of books and purchased The Other Boleyn Girl , beginning my obsession with books set in Tudor England.

I had to include the Freshman Dorm Series because as a teenage my parents had to keep stopping to buy the next book on a family roadtrip as I tore the series.
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What cafe in Edinburgh? I’m planning to go back there next year and that would definitely be a fun sight to see. We were only there for a day last year. It was enough to tour the castle and do a little shopping on the Royal Mile, but that was about it.
Happy TTT!
It’s The Elephant House.
Reading Persephone in Greece seems fun!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-types-of-books-i-read-on-vacation/