Top Five Wednesday: Fictional Jobs

Top Five Wednesday is a Goodreads group that posts new bookish prompts every week.

This week’s topic:

April 19th: Fictional Job

Books can be an amazing escapism, but how exciting would it be to be employed at one of your favorite places you’ve read in fiction or become a powerful wizard simply because you wanted to? Sounds fun right? For today’s prompt share either occupations (magical or non-magical) or places you would love to work at! Could be a teacher at Hogwarts, a librarian at a magical bookstore, or something else altogether that you find just as fun!

  1. Katie Chandler’s job at Enchanted Inc. by Shannon Swendson. As a magical immune, I would be responsible for recognizing any evil magical plots.
  2. Bookmobile proprieter like Nina Redmond in Bookstore on the Corner . I love matching people with the right books.
  3. I know it was given as an example, but I can’t leave out being a teacher at Hogwarts. Specifically, I’d like Hagrid’s job teaching the care of magical creatures
  4. Working at the Cackleberry Club Cafe with my friends. This cafe/bookshop/knitting shop is a great way for friends to pull their interests together
  5. A ferrymen like Hugo in Under the Whispering Door , helping people cross over into the next world.

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