Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. This week’s prompt:
September 28th: Supernatural
The changing of the seasons has begun, and with it many who are looking forward to Halloween and its spooky fun! To celebrate spring giving way to fall, let’s talk about supernatural reads! Could be favorite supernatural creatures, supernatural settings, or a combination of both!
I am a wimp when it comes to scary stories. So I prefer light supernatural reads. If you’re like me, I loaded the post with lots of links to series that you might like.
1.) Supernatural romance:
Lynn Kurland’s MacLeod series has sexy ghosts and humorous ghosts that try matchmaking
Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld might be possessed by demons, but they are irresitible
2.) “Non-traditional Vampires”
I like vampires that don’t fit the traditional description. They may thirst for blood, but they are able to fight the urge to kill (most of the time). They don’t fit the traditional stereotype of a vampire. Some even walk around in the middle of the day and eat food.
Examples: Edward Cullen, Bill Compton, Simon Lovelace and Matthew Clairmont
3.) Good Witches
I love books that feature strong female witches, who celebrate their power and sisterhood
Examples: Shadow Chronicles Series , Three Sisters Island Series, Waverly Family Series
4.) Edgar Allan Poe While Poe’s stories are often seen as the birth of the horror genre, his stories are not as gory as most modern horror. He’s the master of creating suspense.
5.) Paranormal cozies
Examples: Magical Cures Mystery series , The Dowser Series, Sookie Stackhouse Series
I absolutely love your post!! I have seen an increase of paranormal cozies and totally for it because I don’t like anything scary either! I LOVE the covers of Magical Cures Mystery series!