Top Five Wednesday 5/17/23

Top Five Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts.

May 17th: Mysteries

May is considered “Mystery Month,” so let’s share some of our favorite mystery reads!

I prefer mysteries which are not graphic, and focus more on characterization and motive. I read an occasional thriller, but lean more towards historical or cozy mysteries.

The Lady Julie Grey series is one of my favorite of any genre.

I loved this mystery and found Lena to be a lot more relatable than a lot of protagonists in cozy mysteries.

The Cormaran Strike novels are written by J.K. Rowling under pen name Robert Galbraith. These mysteries are so good and a completely different writing style than Harry Potter

This is book three in the Lady Darby Mystery Series. This is my favorite, but I would recommend reading them in order.

The Australian Outback setting adds an interesting level of danger to this mystery. This is more of a slow burn mystery where a lot of time is spent developing the back story and family relationships.

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