Top Five Wednesday- 5/11/22: Mothers


Top Five Wednesday is a goodreads group that responds to different bookish prompts each week. This week, in honor of Mother’s Day, we are giving our top five fictional mothers.

  1. Lily Potter- Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Even though she wasn’t in Harry’s life, she gave him the ultimate sacrifice and the power of love.

2. Caroline Ingalls- The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder

I debated about this one since Caroline Ingalls isn’t actually fictional. But, Ma is the ultimate pioneer mother.

3. Helen Plum- Stephanie Plum series

Sandwiched between a crazy mother and a crazy daughter Helen Plum is the family’s voice of reason and she always sends you home with food.

4. Sally Jackson- The Percy Jackson series

She went from being a god to “Smelly Gabe” to protect her son.

5. Marilla Cuthbert- Anne of Green Gables Series

Marilla is the perfect adoptive mother. Her wisdom and understanding were just the what feisty Anne needed.

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