Top Five Wednesday- 11/2/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts.

November 2nd: Characters Who Need a Break

There are always those bookish characters who seem to be on edge all the time. Sort of makes you wish they could realize they need to take a break, right? In honor of National Stress Awareness Day, what are five characters you would love to see “chill out” from how stressed they are?

  1. Hermione Granger- saving the world from an evil wizard while maintaining good grades is very stressful, Hermione needs to take some “me” time.
  2. Holly from Coming Home to Wishington Bay – I’m not even a quarter of a way through this rom com, but it’s clear Holly needs to end her workaholic ways.
  3. Nora from Book Lovers – Nora tries to be everything to everyone and all it does is earn her reputation as a shark.
  4. Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice- The overdramatic Mrs. Bennet creates stress for herself and thher family. If she would just chill out about marrying off her daughters everyone would be happier.
  5. Nina Hill from The Bookish Life of Nina Hill Nina has dealt with her anxiety by closing people out and living in books.

I threw this together quicker than usual because I didn’t remember until 10PM, so I’m sure I left out some great stressful characters. Which book characters do you think need to “chill out”?

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