Top 5 Wednesday- 8/9/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. This weeks prompt:

August 10th: Bookish Happiness

For every reader, books are so much more than just words on a page, but instead are words that help make our lives better and spark happiness from the very characters we read about. Since August is recognized as Happiness Happens month and yesterday was National Book Lovers Day, for today’s prompt let’s talk about books that make us happy and bring joy to our hearts!

I’m not a big re-reader, but Pride and Prejudice is my comfort read. Elizabeth and Darcy’s happy ending will always put a smile on my face.

This book shows up in a lot of my lists. It was my first introduction to Jenny Colgan, and all her books make me happy.

This is the first book in a fun series about a family that owns a bait shop/funeral home. A premise like that has to make you smile.

I just finished this book about three hours ago, and I’m still happy. Even though there are some sad parts, I finished if feeling so good about the power of libraries.

This is another one that comes up on a lot of my lists. It’s such a funny book. My Favorite Read for December 2021

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