Seasonal Reading

I mentioned in my Nicole’s Nook anniversary post that my goal was to write more free write posts. So, I thought I’d start with a topic I’ve been thinking about for awhile: how my reading habits change with the seasons.

In general, I read a mix of different books all through the year regardless of season. The one exception is the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when I enjoy reading holiday books. Mostly romances, but sometimes mysteries or classics.

What does change for me is how I read. I converted my spare room to a “library” a few years ago. In addition to my comfy recliner, I have an electic stove to give a cozy feel. As soon as the weather turns cool, that is my favorite spot to read. Again, I make an exception at Christmas when I prefer to read in the living room by the light of my Christmas tree, preferable by a blazing fireplace. As soon as the weather starts to turn warm, I switch to reading outside. I have a balcony off my kitchen, which is usually my first choice. It’s more private and scenic than the front, but depending on the time of day, the sun can be brutal, then I’ll move to the front where I can sit by my front door with head covering.

Where are your favorite places to read? How does your reading change throughout the year?

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One thought on “Seasonal Reading

  1. I typically enjoy reading in bed. And I pretty much read the same stuff throughout the entire year, nothing particularly seasonal!

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