Nicole’s Nook is 2 Today!

Two years ago, I launched Nicole's Nook a blog dedicated to a love of books. This year I focused on a new look for the blog and increasing the number of book reviews. My goal for next year is to free write more posts with my thoughts related to bookish topics. What are some topics... Continue Reading →

Throwback Thursday Book Review: 8/24/23

Welcome to my weekly post where I look back at some of my four and five star reads before I started Nicole's Nook. Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books Publication Date: May 1, 2013 Date Read: February 21, 2017 Goodreads Synopsis: "Every child knows how the story ends. The wicked pirate captain is flung overboard, caught in... Continue Reading →

Iceland: A land of literacy

I just got back from a nine day tour of Iceland. While this is not a travel blog, I thought it would be of interest to my readers. Iceland, along with all Nordic countries, is one of the most literate countries in the world. By this, I don't mean their kids have high test scores.... Continue Reading →

My favorite read of July 2023

Goodreads Synopsis: As one of the few witches in Britain, Mika Moon knows she has to hide her magic, keep her head down, and stay away from other witches so their powers don't mingle and draw attention. And as an orphan who lost her parents at a young age and was raised by strangers, she's... Continue Reading →

My Most Anticipated Book Releases of August 2023

August 8 Celebrating her forty-fifth birthday at her local pub, popular podcaster Alix Summers crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie, it turns out, is also celebrating her forty-fifth birthday. They are, in fact, birthday twins. A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix’s... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday 7/18/23

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. July 18: Books With One-Word Titles (submitted by Angela @ Reading... Continue Reading →

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