My Writing

Greece Barnes and Noble Writing Group was the first writing group I joined. They put together a Halloween Story Collection which we sell on Amazon each year with profits going to charity.

Amazon purchasing links:

Horrendous Halloween (my story- “An Owl’s Trick” is about a group of nocturnal animals who hatch a plan to get back at the teenagers who wreak havoc on Halloween)

Hellhound Halloween (my story- “Ghost Candy” is about a little girl ghost who decides she wants to go trick-or-treating

Hopping Halloween (my story- “Being Human” is about a dog who is bitten by a little girl and turns into a werehuman at the full moon

Writing Battle:

Murder On Page Thirty-Seven -Read the text of my winning story from the Autumn 2023 short story contest

Elements of Espionage– Honorable mention for the Autumn 2024 Short Story Contest

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