Middle Grade Book of the Week: Ungifted by Gordon Korman


When troublemaker Donovan Curtis pulls a prank that goes too far, it looks like he’ll be facing serious consequences. Then his paperwork is confused with students with a genius IQ. He ends up being placed in the Academy of Scholastic Distinction. It’s the perfect alibi, as long as he convince a group of geniuses that he’s one of them.

My Thoughts:

This is the classic Korman formula:

1.) Due to unusual circumstances a kid ends up with a group of other kids they would usually never associate with at school.

2.) Chaos insues.

3.) They find a passion project, that is somehow threatened

4.) They overcome the thread and everyone learns a lesson.

I am not saying this as a criticism. The formula works. Korman’s books are funny and appeal to both kids and adults. I love that his books are popular with kids who do not like to read.

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