Goals for 2025

Before starting this post, I looked back on last year’s post. I only focused on blog goals and didn’t do very well with keeping them other than sharing some of my own writing. So, this year I am going to limit to one goal each for the blog, my reading and my writing.

Blog Goal

I’m going to be very broad here and say my goal is consistency. I tend to post in bursts. This is mainly due to time limitations. So, in addition to making more time for the blog, I also plan to make better use of the calendar to schedule posts, so they don’t come in bursts, aside from my favorite and anticipated books at the end of each month.

Reading Goal

This may seem strange, but my goal is to read more picture books. I don’t really need a goal for adult and YA reading, as I always read a lot of them. But, I want to read more picture books since I have a few ideas for picture books and want to be more up on current picture book trends.

Writing Goal

This was the most challenging part because I had many writing goals and ideas to work on: revising my MG novel, querying, building social media, writing short stories and picture book ideas, and writing battles. So, I’m going to go with consistency here too. I want to spend time every day doing something writing-related, even if it’s as simple as looking at a list of writing tips online or sharing a writing-related social media post.

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