7/19 I can’t believe the trip is coming to an end tomorrow. We spent the day in Florence with a “real feel” temp of 105. After a demonstration at the leather shop and a tour of the square, we were ready for a cool drink in air conditioning. We relaxed for awhile before our four course dinner. Then road to our hotel nestled in the rolling hills of Tuscany.
7/20 Our final day. We started the day with a truffle hunt. The dogs found four truffles, but one ate half of one whil his owner was distracted 🙂 Our two dogs were Mya and Bilba. It was cute to see that they were like regular dogs, even though they were working, they’d stop and get people to pet them. Mya is the more serious hunter. Bilba liked to sit back and then when Mya found a truffle she’d run in and start digging. We finally got some pool time after, but it started pouring and thundering about half an hour later. Now I’m headed to our farewell dinner and Nicole’s Nook will resume it’s bookish content.
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