Book Review: Emi & Mini by Hanako Masutani

Thank you to Tradewind Books for providing me with a digital copy of Emi and Mini in exchange for an honest review. Title: Emi & Mini Author: Hanako Masuani Illustrator: Stephane Jorish Publisher: Tradewind Books Book Description: Emi gets a new pet, Mini, a fat hamster. Unfortunately, Emi doesn't like hamsters. She wanted a dog.... Continue Reading →

Throw Back Thursday Book Review 6/1/23

Welcome to my weekly post where I look back at some of my four and five star reads before I started Nicole's Nook. Today's Book: A Beautiful Heist by Kim Foster Publisher: Kensington Publishing Publication Date: June 6, 2013 Date Read: December 27, 2014 Favorite Quote: “Sooner or later everyone behaves badly. Some of us... Continue Reading →

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