12 Stories of Christmas: Story #12

bookings.com review: Bethlehem Inn

First of all, do not travel in Bethlehem in December without making a reservation. When we arrived at the Bethlehem Inn there was no vacancy. When the proprietor noticed that my wife was great with child, he was kind enough to offer us alternate accommodations.

The building was conveniently located below a bright star, making it easy to find.  Recognizing my wife’s delicate condition, the room included therapy animals.  Their presence helped calm her when the baby was born that night. It was a true miracle. 

An angel told some shepherds what had happened and soon the rumors got back to the Inn. Per policy, we were charged for having an extra guest in the room.  However, when they delivered the bill they were kind enough to bring swaddling clothes and cleared a troth for the baby.  Later, three men showed up with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The gold covered the fee for our guest.

Overall, I would highly recommend the Bethlehem Inn for their excellent customer service. My only complaint was that the room smelled like a barn.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

~Joseph of Nazareth

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