Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics. This week's topic: November 15: Favorite “Aww” Moments In Books (Share those sweet/cute moments in books that give you warm fuzzies.) I struggled a little with... Continue Reading →
Book Review: Frankenslime written by Joy Keller and Illustrated by Ashley Belote
Summary: Victoria Franken is young scientist who loves making slime. Along with her dog, Igor, she uses the scientific method to create different kinds of slime such as Intergalactic space slime and Glow-in-the-dark zombie slime. Then one day, one of her creations comes to life. This is a delightful story that also teaches kids about... Continue Reading →
Top Ten Picture Books inspired from other stories
Last week I posted a top ten list of my favorite novels which were inspired by other stories. This week I decided to keep with the theme, but focus on picture books. 10. Cinderella Penguin, or The Little Glass Flipper by Janet Perlman 10. I love any picture book with a cast of penguins. 9.... Continue Reading →