Top Ten Tuesday- 7/19/22

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week is a freebie. I’m new to TTT, so I went back and looked at old topics and decided to use the prompt from February 21, 2022: Books That Made Me Laugh Out Loud

Katie spends most of her time trying to present her life as perfect on social media. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. She gets herself into crazy, over-the-top situations, but they’re also believable.

Tech millionaire Ed ends up agreeing to take his maid Jess, her two kids and a dog on a road trip to a math Olympiad. This hilarious road trip made me laugh and cry.

Cheating a little here by choosing the entire series. But I can’t pick one favorite. There are so many zany characters and situations.

I work this book into a lot of lists because it has so many elements to it. I love how the humor is seemlessly woven into a serious situation.

The Miss Fortune series is one of the funniest mystery series out there. Book 3 is my favorite.

This was my first introduction to Jennifer Crusie. It’s still one of my favorite contemporary romance novels.

Another of my favorites. The scene where Nina helps deliver a baby lamb is one of my favorites.

Sweet Tea and Sympathy

A family run bait shop/funeral home, need I say more?

Katie is immune to magic. This means she can see all the magical creatures around her that the rest of us miss. This is such a fun series!

A group of aunties trying to hide a dead body at a wedding reception- I dare you not to laugh

What books made you laugh out loud?

Friday Afternoon Musings: Benefits of book travel

I enjoy traveling, but the world has had other ideas the last couple of years. Fortunately, while there were travel bans around the world, many of the restrictions on books travel (i.e. work and social obligations) were lifted. While no book can take the place of a real-life experience, there are benefits to book travel that can’t be ignored.

Most travelers will tell you that the worst part of travel is getting there and back. This is not an issue with book travel. The book starts and ends when you want. No weather delays, no getting bumped because there are too many readers going to the same destination. The whole trip revolves around your schedule. You can take an entire afternoon for one long trip or break it up into mini excursions when time permits. If you’re like me, and love to travel, but are also a homebody at heart. You can fulfill both desires. You can stay in your jammies, grab your favorite snack and beverage, while going anywhere you want.

Book travel is much more cost effective than real travel. I have hundreds of books (read as literary vacations) lying around my house. I could sell every single one of them, and still only get a couple of trips out of it. Also, if you decide you don’t want to read the book after all, there are no cancelation fees.


While book traveling, you can literally go to any destination. I prefer group tours when I travel. Bigger companies will offer destinations all around the world, and often provide excursions the independent traveler might not have the opportunity to experience. But there are still limitations. You have to travel in the current timeline. As of the time of this post, nobody offers trips to the past of future. The trip also must be to place that exists in the real world. Until a travel company discovers the wardrobe leading to Narnia, magical trips are limited to books.

It’s been said that the safest way to travel is by plane, but this isn’t true. Despite what news stories, TV and movies might lead you to believe, plane crashes are very rare. This is reassuring. However, it doesn’t make it the safest form of travel. It is a statistical fact that book travel, is safer than flying. The most common injury reported by book travelers is the paper cut. While this can be excruciatingly painful, no deaths have been documented. Even if there is an equipment malfunction, such as the battery dying in your e-reader, you will not plummet to the ground, and as long as you’re near an electrical source, the repair is quick. If you are a safety-minded individual, book traveling is the way to go.

Finally, when book traveling you can enjoy experiences that might not be so pleasant in person. I loved reading the Hunger Games but have no desire to participate in person. You’ll likely find that your preferences for a book vacation will be very different than real world vacations. It’s entertaining to read about a hotel where the guests keep getting murdered and you try to figure out the culprit. I guarantee that if this happened to you while staying in a real hotel, you would be running out the door demanding a refund.

In conclusion, if you are unable to travel this summer. Don’t be depressed, pick up a book and appreciate all the advantages it has to offer.

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