Barcelona Day 2

Today we went to two must see sights in Barcelona. We started the morning on a panoramic bus tour of the city. The highlight was Placa de Catalunya. It is the highest point in the city and has amazing views. During the Spanish Civil War and Franco's rule, it was the sight of many deaths.... Continue Reading →

Barcelona Day 1

Technically, this is my day two in Barcelona. But, the "touristy" part of the trip started today. Prepared to roast in the Mediterranean, I was pleasantly surprised. It was warm (low 80s), but there was a nice breeze. We started with a guided walking tour of the city. Even though I know this it's still... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk Writing: Find Your Group

Nicole's Nook is primarily a book blog. But, I also want to occasionally include some writing "talk". I'm going to start out today by talking about the importance of finding writing groups. By nature, writing is a solo activity. That's why it's so important to find your writing people. When I started writing, I didn't... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk About Fantasy

Fantasy is another of my favorite genres. Instead of sharing my favorite fantasy novels, I thought I'd talk about what I look for in a fantasy novel. World Building This is a term I didn't really think about a lot until I started writing myself. For any book, I want to feel it is a... Continue Reading →

Anticipated Reads Update

I'll be the first to admit, I have not been consistent with posting and following through with all of the blog features I've started. The two things I have stuck with from the beginning is posting my favorite book I read each month and my most anticipated book releases of the month. I thought it... Continue Reading →

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