Mini-book haul and writing update

This weekend was the Rochester Children's Book Festival was this weekend. I've attended in the past, but this was my first year as a volunteer. My job was to be an "author escort", which means I got to take authors from their table to presentations. It was so much fun getting to meet the authors.... Continue Reading →

Top Five Wednesday- 11/2/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. November 2nd: Characters Who Need a Break There are always those bookish characters who seem to be on edge all the time. Sort of makes you wish they could realize they need to take a break, right? In honor of National Stress... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo Goals

November means NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). For those unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo is an event where writers commit to writing 1,667 words daily, resulting in completing a 50,000-word novel in a month. I am not writing a book this month. I have participated in the July challenge before, but it's not very practical while teaching full-time.... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday: November 1, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics. This week's topic: November 1: Unlikable Characters You Can’t Help but Love (These are villains, criminals, jerks, etc. that make you fall in love with them... Continue Reading →

Top 5 Wednesday- 10/26/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. This week's prompt: October 26th: Characters You Want to Dress Up As Halloween is right around the corner, and with this holiday, many are dressing up to celebrate! Whether you are planning to dress up or not, share about some characters who... Continue Reading →

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