Top Five Wednesday 11/23/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a goodreads group that shares weekly top five lists related to bookish topics. This week's topic: November 23rd: Long Titles We’ve featured short title books before, so let’s give some love to those much longer book titles! Maybe you’ve read them or maybe you’ve seen them in passing, but for this... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday 11/22/22

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics.This week is a Thankful Freebie. So, I'm going to start with a writing update before my top ten list Nanowrimo Goal Update As I mentioned... Continue Reading →

Top 5 Wednesday 11/13/22

Top Five Wednesday is a goodreads group that posts weekly top five lists based on bookish prompts. This week's prompt: November 16th: Young Reads Last month we talked about books that got us into reading, but let’s talk specifically about books for young readers! These don’t necessarily need to be books that got you into... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday 11/15/22

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics. This week's topic: November 15: Favorite “Aww” Moments In Books (Share those sweet/cute moments in books that give you warm fuzzies.) I struggled a little with... Continue Reading →

Top 5 Wednesday 11/9/22

Top Five Wednesday is a goodreads group that posts weekly top five lists based on bookish prompts. This week's prompt: November 9th: Award-Winning Did you know this week is National Book Awards Week? Let’s feature titles that won awards and why we want to spotlight them! I don't pay as much attention to awards for... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday- 11/8/22

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where people like me who love lists and books can share our thoughts on fun bookish topics. This week's Topic: November 8: Series I’d Like to Start/Catch up on/Finish I love series, but I rarely read them all at once. There are so... Continue Reading →

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