My Most Anticipated Book Releases of July 2023

July 4 Goodreads Synopsis: City dweller Gwen feels like she’s living a secondhand life. She’s thirty-eight, perpetually single, and in dire need of a dentist’s appointment. Her friends are busy procreating in the country, and conversations with her parents seem to revolve entirely around hedge borders and the trash pickup schedule. Above all she’s lonely.... Continue Reading →

Top Five Wednesday 6/27/23

Top Five Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. June 28th: Books Set by the Ocean Tomorrow is International Day of the Tropics, and to celebrate, let’s feature five books that are set by the ocean! Annie Marlow has been through the worst. Rocked by tragedy, she heads to the one... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday 6/20/23

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. June 20: Books on My Summer 2023 to-Read List I... Continue Reading →

Book Review: Emi & Mini by Hanako Masutani

Thank you to Tradewind Books for providing me with a digital copy of Emi and Mini in exchange for an honest review. Title: Emi & Mini Author: Hanako Masuani Illustrator: Stephane Jorish Publisher: Tradewind Books Book Description: Emi gets a new pet, Mini, a fat hamster. Unfortunately, Emi doesn't like hamsters. She wanted a dog.... Continue Reading →

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