Top 5 Wednesday: Best Illustrated Covers

Top 5 Wednesday is a goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish posts. I have not participated the last few weeks, but am glad to be back this week.

February 22nd: Best or Favorite Illustrated Covers

If author duos are on the rise in fiction, illustrated covers are even more so! Book covers, especially YA covers, have honestly become their own art and brand that is iconic to even those who may not read much fiction. What are some of the best illustrated covers you’ve seen or what are some of your favorite illustrated covers?

Top Five Wednesday 11/23/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a goodreads group that shares weekly top five lists related to bookish topics.

This week’s topic:

November 23rd: Long Titles

We’ve featured short title books before, so let’s give some love to those much longer book titles! Maybe you’ve read them or maybe you’ve seen them in passing, but for this week’s prompt, what are five books you know of with long titles?

  1. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
  2. Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe: A Novel in Recipes
  3. Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder
  4. What We Found in the Sofa and How It Saved the World
  5. Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death

Top 5 Wednesday 11/13/22

Top Five Wednesday is a goodreads group that posts weekly top five lists based on bookish prompts.

This week’s prompt:

November 16th: Young Reads

Last month we talked about books that got us into reading, but let’s talk specifically about books for young readers! These don’t necessarily need to be books that got you into reading, but maybe young reads that left a deep impression on you growing up (or maybe you did read them and that’s why they left a deep impression). What books would you share?

The Secret Garden

by Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1)

by C.S. Lewis

Island of the Blue Dolphins
by Scott O’Dell

Little House in the Big Woods (Little House, #1)
by Laura Ingalls Wilder,

The BFG by Roald Dahl

Top 5 Wednesday 11/9/22

Top Five Wednesday is a goodreads group that posts weekly top five lists based on bookish prompts.

This week’s prompt:

November 9th: Award-Winning

Did you know this week is National Book Awards Week? Let’s feature titles that won awards and why we want to spotlight them!

I don’t pay as much attention to awards for adult books, so I decided to focus on the Newbery and Caldecott.

Top Five Newbery Winners

I have featured most of these in my middle grade book of the month posts and have included the links. For the One and Only Ivan and Call it Courage I included a link the their goodreads page. I have read all of these books with students and their enjoyment of the books was weighted in my ranking as well as my own.

My Five Favorite Newbery Award Winners:

  1. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell (1961 winner)

2. Crossover by Kwame Alexander

3. New Kid by Jerry Craft (2020 winner)

4. The One and Only Ivan (2013 winner)

5. Call it Courage (1941 winner)

Top Five Caldecott Winners

The love of reading begins with picture books. Here are my picks from the best.

These are my favorite winners:

  1. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (1964 winner)

2. The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg (1986 winner)

3. Lon PoPo A Red Riding Hood Story from China by Ed Young (1990 Winner)

4. The Three Pigs by David Wiesner (2002 winner)

5. The Adventures of Beekle the Unimaginary Friend by Dan Santat (2015 winner)

Top Five Wednesday- 11/2/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts.

November 2nd: Characters Who Need a Break

There are always those bookish characters who seem to be on edge all the time. Sort of makes you wish they could realize they need to take a break, right? In honor of National Stress Awareness Day, what are five characters you would love to see “chill out” from how stressed they are?

  1. Hermione Granger- saving the world from an evil wizard while maintaining good grades is very stressful, Hermione needs to take some “me” time.
  2. Holly from Coming Home to Wishington Bay – I’m not even a quarter of a way through this rom com, but it’s clear Holly needs to end her workaholic ways.
  3. Nora from Book Lovers – Nora tries to be everything to everyone and all it does is earn her reputation as a shark.
  4. Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice- The overdramatic Mrs. Bennet creates stress for herself and thher family. If she would just chill out about marrying off her daughters everyone would be happier.
  5. Nina Hill from The Bookish Life of Nina Hill Nina has dealt with her anxiety by closing people out and living in books.

I threw this together quicker than usual because I didn’t remember until 10PM, so I’m sure I left out some great stressful characters. Which book characters do you think need to “chill out”?

Top 5 Wednesday- 10/26/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts.

This week’s prompt:

October 26th: Characters You Want to Dress Up As

Halloween is right around the corner, and with this holiday, many are dressing up to celebrate! Whether you are planning to dress up or not, share about some characters who you would love to dress up as! Maybe you’ve dressed up as them in the past or are planning to this Halloween, but either way, let’s have a fun time imagining potential future cosplays!

Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)

Not only is Elizabeth one of my favorite characters, but regency dresses are so pretty, and more comfortable than most period ensembles.

Mrs. Frizzle (Magic School Bus series)

This seems like the perfect teacher Halloween costume.

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series)

I love Hermione, but in all honesty this just seems like a simple costume. You just need a robe and a wand.

Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)

Did someone say ruby slippers?

Cindy Lou Who (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)

My hair isn’t long enough for Cindy Lou’s style, but this would be a fun costume.

Top Five Wednesday- 10/5/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. This week’s prompt:

October 5th: Got You Into Reading

October is National Book Month and to celebrate this month-long “holiday,” what are some books that got you into reading? These could be books from childhood that had you hooked on reading at a young age or maybe as an adult you stopped reading and then started reading again years later. Or maybe you’ve always been an avid book reader, but you tried a book outside your favorite genres and discovered a new favorite genre that you absolutely love. Regardless of when, let’s highlight those books that showed (or reminded) us how great books are!

I loved reading from an early age, so the books of my childhood are what came to mind immediaitely.

Harry the Dirty Dog was featured in my very first ever blog post. My Journey in Books.

My favorite Little Golden book about a group of animal friends who try living together, but it doesn’t work out because of their different tastes. So, they go out searching for their own paths in life.

My favorite bedtime stories that Mom would read me each night.

I remember being so excited when one of the Sesame Street Library books arrived in the mail.

While I eventually read all of these books, my fondest memories of the first four involve being read to, usually at bedtime. The Fudge series is one of the first chapter book I remember reading myself.

Top Five Wednesday- 9/28/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. This week’s prompt:

September 28th: Supernatural

The changing of the seasons has begun, and with it many who are looking forward to Halloween and its spooky fun! To celebrate spring giving way to fall, let’s talk about supernatural reads! Could be favorite supernatural creatures, supernatural settings, or a combination of both!

I am a wimp when it comes to scary stories. So I prefer light supernatural reads. If you’re like me, I loaded the post with lots of links to series that you might like.

1.) Supernatural romance:


Lynn Kurland’s MacLeod series has sexy ghosts and humorous ghosts that try matchmaking

Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld might be possessed by demons, but they are irresitible

2.) “Non-traditional Vampires”

I like vampires that don’t fit the traditional description. They may thirst for blood, but they are able to fight the urge to kill (most of the time). They don’t fit the traditional stereotype of a vampire. Some even walk around in the middle of the day and eat food.

Examples: Edward Cullen, Bill Compton, Simon Lovelace and Matthew Clairmont

3.) Good Witches

I love books that feature strong female witches, who celebrate their power and sisterhood

Examples: Shadow Chronicles Series , Three Sisters Island Series, Waverly Family Series

4.) Edgar Allan Poe While Poe’s stories are often seen as the birth of the horror genre, his stories are not as gory as most modern horror. He’s the master of creating suspense.

5.) Paranormal cozies

Examples: Magical Cures Mystery series , The Dowser Series, Sookie Stackhouse Series

Top Five Wednesday 9/14/22

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that responds to weekly bookish prompts. This week’s prompt:

September 14th: Chosen One

Probably one of the most recognized tropes in fiction is the chosen one trope. While it might not be as popular in fiction, especially YA, as it was a few years ago, there are still books being written with this love-or-hate trope. In honor of these “chosen ones,” what are some books you have read or seen that have this trope?

I love YA fantasy, so this is one of my favorite tropes. These books are almost always from a series, so focused more on the chosen ones than any specific book.

  1. Harry Potter I almost didn’t include Harry Potter because it was so obvious. These books show the perfect path of the hero’s journey and the chosen one.

2.Percy Jackson and Jason

Originally, I just had Percy on my list, but I love the interaction with Percy and Jason in the spin off series. It really highlights the personality of a hero or chosen one.

3. Deka is branded as impure and views herself as inferior. But time reveals that she has powers she never imagined.

4. Clary Fray: Clary has no idea the world of shadowhunters exists, let alone that she is part of their history.

5. Katnis Everdeen: Katnis is different from other chosen ones, because her chosen status has nothing to do with heredity. She “volunteers as tribute” and her chosen status comes from her actions in the first Hunger Games.

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