My Favorite Read of August 2022

“Libraries are like a net, there to catch those of us in danger of falling through the cracks.” Freya Sampson, The Last Chance Library Goodreads Synopsis June Jones emerges from her shell to fight for her beloved local library, and through the efforts and support of an eclectic group of library patrons, she discovers life-changing friendships... Continue Reading →

Book Review: Thumb Fire Desire by Carol Nickles

I received a free ebook copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Description In the Spring of 1881, indigent seamstress Ginny Dahlke arrives in one of the earliest Polish American settlements—Parisville, Michigan. Deemed charmless and awkward by her mean-spirited sister-in-law, Ginny disparages her chance of securing love. But sought-after widowed... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Read of June 2022

She knew that love was the answer, but it was more than love- or rather more than the marshmallow kind of love that people understood when they thought of the word. Sometimes love meant you had to take the hard line and had to force people to do things they didn't want to do. Dale... Continue Reading →

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