Title: Quiet as Mud Author: Jane Yolen Illustrator: Nicole Wong Publisher: Magination Press Publication Date: April 23, 2024 Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Description: Inspired by a quote from the late, great children's book author Margaret Wise Brown, this poem honors and celebrates... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: The House That She Built by Mollie Elkman
Title: The House That She Built Author/Illustrator: Mollie Elkman and Georgia Castellano Publisher: Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) Publication Date: September 14, 2021 Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free ebook in exchange for my honest review. Description This inspirational children’s book educates and exposes young readers and their parents to the... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: Saving Delicia: A Story About Small Seeds and Big Dreams
I was lucky enough to attend a zoom presentation by Laura Gehl and won this book as a door prize. She did not ask for a review, but it was so great, I had to share. Title: Saving Delicia Author: Laura Gehl Illustrator: Patricia Metola Publisher: Flyaway Books Publication Date: April 9, 2024 Book Description:... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: Pippi the Penguin by Catherine Veitch
Title: Pippi the Penguin Author: Cahterine Veitch Illustrator: Jean Claude Publisher: Rosen Publishing Group Publication Date: January 15, 2024 Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Description Pippi is the fastest penguin in her colony. She also knows where to find the best food, even... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: Bob’s Ocean by Robert Lund
Title: Bob's Ocean Author: Robert Lund Illustrator: Juliet Alli Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a free e-reader copy in exchange for an honest review. Description: Bob’s Ocean is the story of a fish called Bob who unwittingly embarks upon a perilous journey that leads him to self-discovery and enlightenment. It is... Continue Reading →
Picture book review: How to Train your Amygdala
Thank you to netgalley for giving me an advanced ebook copy in exchange for an honest review. Title: How to Train Your Amygdala Author: Anna Housley Juster Illustrator: Cynthia Cliff Publisher: Teacher Created Materials, Free Spirit Publishing Publication Date: February 20, 2024 Description The amygdala is the brain's alarm system that alerts for danger, but... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of the e-book in exchange for an honest review. Title: Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs Author: Paulette Bourgeois Illistrator: Alex G. Griffiths Publisher: Penguin Random House Canada: Tundra Books Publication Date: February 13, 2024 Description: Mother Goose's fairy tales are NOT based... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: A Garden Called Home by Jessica J. Lee
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC ebook of Agnes and the Hen in exchange for an honest review. Title: A Garden Called Home Author: Jessica J. Lee Illustrator: Elaine Chen Publisher: Publication Date: February 13, 2023 Publisher: Penguin Random House, Canada, Tundra Books Description: What makes the place we live feel... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: Agnes and the Hen by Elle Rowley
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC ebook of Agnes and the Hen in exchange for an honest review. Title: Agnes and the Hen Author; Elle Rowley Illustrator: Clare Theresen Gray Publisher: DK Children Publication Date: January 25, 2023 Description: This lighthearted story tells the tale of Agnes the Great Dane and... Continue Reading →
New Picture Book Review: Tango Red Riding Hood by Rachel S. Hobbs
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC ebook of Tango Red Riding Hood in exchange for an honest review. Title: Tango Red Riding Hood Author: Rachel S. Hobbs Illustrator: Carolina Vazquez Publisher: Gnome Road Publishing Publication Date: September 12, 2023 Description In this modern interpretation of a classic fairytale, readers tango along... Continue Reading →