Quarantine Confession

Quarantine Confession In December of 2019, social media was flooded with posts declaring that 2020 was destined to be great: the 4th of July and Halloween fell on a Saturday; Christmas, and Valentine’s Day on Fridays. Even Cinco de Mayo fell on a Taco Tuesday. Those posts were like the builders of the Titanic declaring... Continue Reading →

Getting Kids to read

Some of us seem to be born readers.  The love of a story is embedded within our DNA.  We have gravitated to books from babyhood.  Unfortunately, this is not true for everyone. Many of the students I work with will avoid reading at any cost. <a href="https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/vector">Vector Vectors by Vecteezy</a>  It is my firm belief... Continue Reading →

Optometrist or Torturer?

There are people who read for necessity. Then there are people who read for pleasure. Finally, there are people for whom reading borders on addiction. I am one of the latter. Yesterday I had an eye doctor appointment. As part of the examination, the doctor handed me a story and asked me to read the... Continue Reading →

My journey in books

It all started with a dirty dog named Harry. Before I could read myself, I loved hearing stories. Mom always read me a book before I went to bed each night: Mother Goose, Amanda and Oliver Pig, a volume of Sesame Street books that arrived monthly just to name a few. But Harry the Dirty... Continue Reading →

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