Let’s Talk About Mysteries

Today's bookish talk is about mysteries. I don't really like graphic blood or guts, so I tend to lean more on the side of cozies or historical mysteries. But, I do like an occasional thriller, if it focuses on the psychological aspect. No matter what subgenre, here are the things I look for in a... Continue Reading →

Anticipated Reads Update

I'll be the first to admit, I have not been consistent with posting and following through with all of the blog features I've started. The two things I have stuck with from the beginning is posting my favorite book I read each month and my most anticipated book releases of the month. I thought it... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Read of May 2024

“For the sake of trust building, the third chapter will follow the second. But then we will jump directly to chapter five, do you understand? No chapter four. Why? Because sometimes things don’t go like they should.”― Allie Brosh, Solutions and Other Problems Title: Solutions and Other Problems Author; Allie Brosh Publisher: Gallery Books Publication Date: September... Continue Reading →

My Favorite read of April 2024: The Women of Chateau Lafayette

“To ask why was only to demand justification.To ask why not assumed endless possibility...”― Stephanie Dray, The Women of Chateau Lafayette Title: The Women of Chateau Lafayette Author: Stephanie Dray Publisher: Berkley Publication Date: March 31, 2021 Goodreads Synopsis: Most castles are protected by men. This one by women. A founding mother...1774 . Gently-bred noblewoman Adrienne Lafayette... Continue Reading →

Picture Book Review: Quiet as Mud by Jane Yolen

Title: Quiet as Mud Author: Jane Yolen Illustrator: Nicole Wong Publisher: Magination Press Publication Date: April 23, 2024 Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. Description: Inspired by a quote from the late, great children's book author Margaret Wise Brown, this poem honors and celebrates... Continue Reading →

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