Title: Pippi the Penguin Author: Cahterine Veitch Illustrator: Jean Claude Publisher: Rosen Publishing Group Publication Date: January 15, 2024 Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Description Pippi is the fastest penguin in her colony. She also knows where to find the best food, even... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of the e-book in exchange for an honest review. Title: Professor Goose Debunks The Three Little Pigs Author: Paulette Bourgeois Illistrator: Alex G. Griffiths Publisher: Penguin Random House Canada: Tundra Books Publication Date: February 13, 2024 Description: Mother Goose's fairy tales are NOT based... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Review: Princess Pru and the Ogre on the Hill by Maureen Fergus
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free digital advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Title: Princess Pru and the Ogre on the Hill Author: Maureen Fergus Illustrator: Danesh Mohiuddin Publication Date: April 18, 2023 Publisher: Owlkids Books Book Description: Shrek meets The Paper Bag Princess in this fearsomely funny... Continue Reading →
Middle Grade Book of the Week: Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park
Summary: Hanna is a half-Asian girl living in California during the 1880's. At a time of extreme prejudice against Chinese people her simple dreams are nearly impossible: graduating from school, becoming a dressmaker and making a friend. As the story progresses, Hanna finds ways to fight for what she wants. My Thoughts: If you're a... Continue Reading →
My favorite read for August 2021
My favorite read for August 2021 Book Review My favorite read for August of 2021 is Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder, a biography of the author written by Caroline Fraser in 2018. Since I have read so much about Wilder, I picked this up out of obligatory devotion to my idol,... Continue Reading →