My Most Anticipated Book Releases August 2024

A nice mix of books from different genres coming out this month.

August 1

For fans of Diana Gabaldon and Philippa Gregory, courtly rivalry and intrigue…
1613:  King James – sixth of Scotland, first of England, son of Mary, Queen of Scots – has unified both countries under one crown. But the death of his eldest son, Henry, has plunged the nation into mourning, as the rumours rise the prince was poisoned.
Andrew Logan’s heard the rumours, but he’s paid them little heed. As one of the King’s Messengers he has enough secrets to guard, including his own. In these perilous times, when the merest suggestion of witchcraft can see someone tortured and hanged, men like Andrew must hide well the fact they were born with the Sight.
He’ll need all his gifts, though, when the king sends Andrew north to find and arrest Sir David Murray, once Prince Henry’s trusted courtier, and bring him a prisoner to London to stand trial before the dreaded Star Chamber.
A story of treachery, betrayal and love…

They were just friends. Best friends. Allies. They spent entire summers sitting on Shiloh’s porch steps, dreaming about the future. They were both going to get out of north Omaha—Shiloh would go to college and become an actress, and Cary would join the Navy. They promised each other that their friendship would never change.

Well, Shiloh did go to college, and Cary did join the Navy. And yet, somehow, everything changed.

Now Shiloh’s thirty-three, and it’s been fourteen years since she talked to Cary. She’s been married and divorced. She has two kids. And she’s back living in the same house she grew up in. Her life is nothing like she planned.

When she’s invited to an old friend’s wedding, all Shiloh can think about is whether Cary will be there—and whether she hopes he will be. Would Cary even want to talk to her? After everything?

The answer is yes. And yes. And yes.

Slow Dance is the story of two kids who fell in love before they knew enough about love to recognize it. Two friends who lost everything. Two adults who just feel lost.

It’s the story of Shiloh and Cary, who everyone thought would end up together, trying to find their way back to the start.

After years of self-exile, Jacinda “Jac” Brodie is back in Brook Haven, South Carolina. But the small cliffside town no longer feels like home. Jac hasn’t been there since the beloved chief of police fell to his death—and all the whispers said she was to blame.

That chief was Jac’s father.

Racked with guilt, Jac left town with no plans to return. But when her granddad lands in the hospital, she rushes back to her family, bracing herself to confront the past.

Brook Haven feels different now. Wealthy newcomer Faye Arden has transformed the notorious Moor Manor into a quaint country inn. Jac’s convinced something sinister lurks beneath Faye’s perfect exterior, yet the whole town fawns over their charismatic new benefactor. And when Jac discovers one of her granddad’s prized possessions in Faye’s office, she knows she has to be right.

But as Jac continues to dig, she stumbles upon dangerous truths that hit too close to home. With not only her life but also her family’s safety on the line, Jac discovers that maybe some secrets are better left buried.

August 6

Cordelia knows her mother is unusual. Their house doesn’t have any doors between rooms, and her mother doesn’t allow Cordelia to have a single friend—unless you count Falada, her mother’s beautiful white horse. The only time Cordelia feels truly free is on her daily rides with him. But more than simple eccentricity sets her mother apart. Other mothers don’t force their daughters to be silent and motionless for hours, sometimes days, on end. Other mothers aren’t sorcerers.

After a suspicious death in their small town, Cordelia’s mother insists they leave in the middle of the night, riding away on Falada’s sturdy back, leaving behind all Cordelia has ever known. They arrive at the remote country manor of a wealthy older man, the Squire, and his unwed sister, Hester. Cordelia’s mother intends to lure the Squire into marriage, and Cordelia knows this can only be bad news for the bumbling gentleman and his kind, intelligent sister.

Hester sees the way Cordelia shrinks away from her mother, how the young girl sits eerily still at dinner every night. Hester knows that to save her brother from bewitchment and to rescue the terrified Cordelia, she will have to face down a wicked witch of the worst kind.

August 20

In 1581, Emilia Bassano–like most young women of her day–is allowed no voice of her own. But as the Lord Chamberlain’s mistress, she has access to all theater in England, and finds a way to bring her work to the stage secretly. And yet, creating some of the world’s greatest dramatic masterpieces comes at great cost: by paying a man for the use of his name, she will write her own out of history.

In the present, playwright Melina Green has just written a new work inspired by the life of her Elizabethan ancestor Emilia Bassano. Although the challenges are different four hundred years later, the playing field is still not level for women in theater. Would Melina–like Emilia–be willing to forfeit her credit as author, just for a chance to see her work performed?

Told in intertwining narratives, this sweeping tale of ambition, courage, and desire asks what price each woman is willing to pay to see their work live on–even if it means they will be forgotten.

In an alternate Edinburgh of 1824, every woman lives in fear that she will be the next one hanged for witchcraft. All it takes is invoking the anger, or the desire, of the wrong person. Nellie Duncan, beautiful and unwed, keeps to herself until she encounters the Rae Women’s Apothecary. There, fiery Jean Rae and the other women provide cures and teach others that they too can aid the winter deity, the Cailleach, embracing her characteristic independence, agency, and craft, in turn becoming witches themselves.

Nellie finds a place and a purpose at the shop, and a blossoming romance with Jean, as she learns about nature-based craft and a witch’s ability to return to life after death. But the Cailleach has an ancient enemy intent on stripping the power of the deity and all her witches, leaving a wake of patriarchal violence and destruction.

When heart-breaking disaster strikes, Nellie flees and spends the next two centuries hiding from the world—until love gives her the courage and the motivation to come back. Nellie’s past is waiting for her there, and hanging witches is no longer the only means of oppression. But this time, Nellie refuses to run—either from her foes, or from her resolve to awaken others to the unimaginable power that can come with fighting the patriarchy in its many forms—and finding one’s own magical inner-strength.

Influencer Meredith Lee didn’t teach Aspen Palmer how to blossom on social media just to be ditched as soon as Aspen became big. So can anyone really blame Mer for doing a little stalking? Nothing serious, more like Stalking Lite.

Then Mer gets lucky; she finds one of Aspen’s kids’ iPads and swipes it. Now she has access to the family calendar and Aspen’s social media accounts. Would anyone else be able to resist tweaking things a little here and there, showing up in Aspen’s place for meetings with potential sponsors? Mer’s only taking back what she deserves—what should have been hers. 

Meanwhile, Aspen doesn’t understand why her perfectly filtered life is falling apart. Sponsors are dropping her, fellow influencers are ghosting her, and even her own husband seems to find her repulsive. If she doesn’t find out who’s behind everything, she might just lose it all. But what everyone seems to forget is that Aspen didn’t become one of TikTok’s biggest momfluencers by being naive.

When Meredith suddenly goes missing, Aspen’s world is upended and mysterious threats begin to arrive—but she won’t let anything get in the way of her perfect life again.

August 27

One last gift to teachers and readers from Andrew Clements: A sequel to his most beloved, landmark book, Frindle. While the original is a love letter to writing and the power of words, The Frindle Files shows us that using those words carefully—that speaking up—can make all the difference.

Josh Willet is a techie, a serious gamer. Nothing’s better than writing code or downloading a new release. Which is why Mr. N’s ELA class is such a slog; it’s a strict no-tech zone. It feels like being stuck inside a broken time machine. Mr. N makes the kids write everything out on paper, he won’t use a Smart Board, and he’s obsessed with some hundred-year-old grammar book.

Then one night, while s-l-o-w-l-y finishing an assignment by hand, Josh discovers a secret. Turns out Mr. N’s been keeping a lot more than technology from his students! Josh and his best friend, Vanessa, are determined to solve the mystery and rally the other kids around their cause. And maybe—just maybe—get some screen time back, too.

More than 25 years after the publication of Frindle, and set one whole generation later, The Frindle Files is a gift left by the beloved Andrew Clements before he passed away. It’s a story that’s both timeless and timely—about the importance of language, of digging deep to find answers, and of challenging what you think you know to imagine what is possible. Filled with humor and Clements’ potent, no-nonsense prose, The Frindle Files is an inspiring, thoughtful, remarkable novel that will grace children’s and classroom shelves for another 25 years.

Fiery Heat in Florence

7/19 I can’t believe the trip is coming to an end tomorrow. We spent the day in Florence with a “real feel” temp of 105. After a demonstration at the leather shop and a tour of the square, we were ready for a cool drink in air conditioning. We relaxed for awhile before our four course dinner. Then road to our hotel nestled in the rolling hills of Tuscany.

7/20 Our final day. We started the day with a truffle hunt. The dogs found four truffles, but one ate half of one whil his owner was distracted 🙂 Our two dogs were Mya and Bilba. It was cute to see that they were like regular dogs, even though they were working, they’d stop and get people to pet them. Mya is the more serious hunter. Bilba liked to sit back and then when Mya found a truffle she’d run in and start digging. We finally got some pool time after, but it started pouring and thundering about half an hour later. Now I’m headed to our farewell dinner and Nicole’s Nook will resume it’s bookish content.

Cinque Terre

Today we took a train to visit the cliff-side villages of Cinque Terre. We visited two of the five villages, Manarola and Vernazza. The quaint villages of this Unesco sight seemed to be untouched by time.


Beautiful day in Italy. We started the day with a walking/panoramic tour of Genoa. Then, we had an amazing lunch including a lesson on making cheese forcaccia. From there we took a ferry to Portofino “one of the most glamorous spots in the Italian Riviera”.

Nice Day

Today was an extra excursion day. Five of us went to St. Paul de Vence. This was a beautiful medieval village with the best views yet. Then we went on to Grasse for a lesson in perfume making. We got to make our own scent with a lilac base. A wonderful day.

Bonne fête nationale

Happy Bastille Day from France! Today was spent making our way to Nice. We stopped along the way in Aix-en-Provence. It was very interesting being there on a holiday Sunday because many places were closed and it felt much more private.

It was eight years ago today that Nice faced a terrorist attack during Bastille Day. For that reason, they did not have fireworks or celebrations out of respect for those lost.

food on wooden tray
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on


Marseille is the second largest city in France. We started the day with a walking tour of the old town. Then our tour group split up for a couple of options. I chose to go to Cosquer Cave, a replica of a prehistoric cave. I was very excited to discover that the cave is the only prehistoric cave discovered to have paintings of penguins! We were on our own for the rest of the afternoon and most of us went to the hilltop Notre Dame (not that one) cathedral for breathtaking views of the city.

For dinner, we went to a socially responsible restaurant where people in need get training in exchange for food and shelter. It was a meaningful experience to end the day.

Language Stories: The Schwa

Tha majority of my job is phonics instruction. I’ve been toying with the idea of creating some stories and poems about these rules. I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with them once they were completed. For now, I’ve decided that Nicole’s Nook is a good home for them. The main purpose of the blog is still “book love”, so it will be an occasional feature. I thought the best starting point would be a story I wrote a couple of years ago for a student who was very frustrated about sounding out words with the schwa sound. I hope you enjoy.

Sorcerer Schwa

First, there were thoughts. Then, those thoughts became spoken words. Finally, those spoken words became written messages. Together all three became a language. Language allowed people to share ideas and expand their knowledge.

 As time passed, the people’s knowledge grew, and they began to explore other places. But there was a problem. People living in these places had developed different languages, which caused confusion. At last, people in the tiny village of Wordia grew frustrated when they inadvertently traded fifty of their finest cattle with a neighboring village for a cartload of rocks.  The villagers vowed they would find a solution to the language problem.

They went to the village sorcerer to ask for his advice.

 Unbeknownst to the villagers, he was secretly an evil sorcerer. Or he wanted to be, at least. None of his evil plots had worked out so far.  Once, he conjured a tornado, and it brought back Mrs. Brown’s missing cow. Another time he called locusts which ate weeds instead of crops. The chance he’d been waiting for was here at last.

“I will use my magic to create a new language and make them forget their own. Soon nobody will speak Latin, Cornish, Sanskrit, or Sumerian.”

The people thought this was a fine idea and thanked the sorcerer as he shooed them away. “I will have a new language for you in a week if you leave me to my work.”

When the villagers left, the wizard took out a piece of parchment and his quill and started making a list of wicked ideas for the new language:

  • Use roots from many different languages
  • All of the rules have an exception (“I” before “e” except after “c”)
  • Words sound alike but spelled differently (sea, see)
  • Words will be spelled the same but sound different (close, close)
  • Letters make multiple sounds (cat, city)
  • Stick silent letters in words (lamb)

The wizard worked day and night on the language. He created so many twists and turns; learning would take years of schooling. As he worked,  visions of spelling tests with giant “F’s” danced in his head. Finally satisfied with his sinister syntax, the sorcerer decided to take a nap.

He fell into a deep sleep and began to dream. Images and words flashed before his eyes: CAMEL, BANANA, PENCIL, DRAGON.

He bolted up in his bed. He had dreamt his evilest idea yet. The final touch his language needed. These words had different vowels making the same sound: “uh.”  He would call this sound the “schwa.” All kinds of multisyllabic words could have a schwa sound hidden in the unstressed syllables, and that would cause lots of stress for readers.  There would be no way to tell by looking at the word which syllable was using the schwa. It was diabolical! He stayed awake all night, adding the schwa sound to thousands of words until it was nearly impossible to determine what sound a vowel was making. 

When the villagers arrived the following day, he magically transferred the language to their brains. “I call it English. What do you think?” he asked.

They scratched their heads, thinking that language was more complicated than they remembered. They tried to recall their old language, but it was gone. So, they agreed that English was an excellent language.

The sorcerer couldn’t reach everyone, so other languages persisted, but English spread worldwide. The sorcerer lived for many years and reveled at the sound of children trying to sound out words with the schwa sound.

To this day, people claim to hear the spirit of the sorcerer laugh whenever a frustrated teacher says, “I don’t know why it’s spelled like that. You have to memorize it!”


What exactly is the schwa?

The schwa sound is the “uh” sound we say in unstressed syllables (for example: the “I” in pencil). It’s the difference between spoken and written language, which often makes spelling difficult. I like to use this song when teaching the schwa sound.

Adios Spain, Bonjour France

Whenever I’m asked which superpower I would want, I always respond with teleportation. Visiting other places is fun, but the time it takes to travel there is not. That is an advantage to tours. Collette is always very good about planning stops along the way. On the way to Marseille we stopped to tour the Abbey of Fontfroide and have a three course lunch. Then by the time we got to the hotel we it was time to find a place for dinner.

These days of travel within vacation can seem tedious, but the key is to find attractions along the way and enjoy the view.

Leaving Barcelona

The hotel wifi wasn’t cooperating last night, so I missed posting. As predicted, I love the countryside of Spain more than Barcelona. On Wednesday we made our way to Costa Brava, stopping along the way in Girona, a smaller city. The view from my hotel room is a living postcard. It’s ocean view and there’s nothing like hearing the waves all night.

Today we saw the Salvador Dali museum and the villages of Callela de Palefrugell and Llafranc. The Dali museum was fascinating. Dali was so innovative and truly saw the world differently from the rest of us. He really stands out as an artist who enjoyed success in this lifetime. He loved his wife and muse, Gala, even signing her name in his signatures.

The main word today though was HOT, and it will only be hotter from here on out. While it was “only” 92, it felt much hotter. The return to the pool was heavenly. On to France tomorrow.

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