Welcome to Top 5 Wednesday! Hosted by Goodreads T5W group this week it is books with 3 word titles. I can never resist book lists, so I'm excited to join this group. Here are five books I rated with five stars on goodreads that have five words in the title. Once Upon Stilettos Me Before You Anyone... Continue Reading →
Top Ten Tuesday 3/8/22
Top Ten Tuesday is a book tag sponsored by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl . This week's topic is to post books with your favorite theme/trope. My favorite romance trope is the fake relationship or arranged marriage. For a long time I wasn't sure why I was drawn to those stories. I finally realized... Continue Reading →
Six For Sunday- 3/6/22
Nicole's Nook is now more than six months old. I have spent a lot of time exploring other book blogs. One of the features I love is book tags. In an effort to post more consistent content, I am choosing a few of my favorites. Starting today with, #Six For Sunday, hosted by A Little... Continue Reading →
My favorite read of February 2022: The Pirate Vishnu by Gigi Pandian
The Pirate Vishnu Goodreads Synopsis: A century-old treasure map of San Francisco's Barbary Coast. Sacred riches from India. Two murders, one hundred years apart. And a love triangle... Historian Jaya Jones has her work cut out for her. 1906. Shortly before the Great San Francisco Earthquake, Pirate Vishnu strikes the San Francisco Bay. An ancestor... Continue Reading →