Goodreads Top 5 Wednesday

Welcome to Top 5 Wednesday! Hosted by Goodreads T5W group this week it is books with 3 word titles. I can never resist book lists, so I'm excited to join this group. Here are five books I rated with five stars on goodreads that have five words in the title. Once Upon Stilettos Me Before You Anyone... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Tuesday 3/8/22

Top Ten Tuesday is a book tag sponsored by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl . This week's topic is to post books with your favorite theme/trope. My favorite romance trope is the fake relationship or arranged marriage. For a long time I wasn't sure why I was drawn to those stories. I finally realized... Continue Reading →

Six For Sunday- 3/6/22

Nicole's Nook is now more than six months old. I have spent a lot of time exploring other book blogs. One of the features I love is book tags. In an effort to post more consistent content, I am choosing a few of my favorites. Starting today with, #Six For Sunday, hosted by A Little... Continue Reading →

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